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039.jpg |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.054 MB. |
Paraxt vagyok, de ez melyik épület? :( |
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040.jpg |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.042 MB. |
Kossuth bemutat a Driftersnek! :) |
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041.jpg |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.052 MB. |
It was quite hot.. / Fury megpihen... |
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042.jpg |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.041 MB. |
Another view of the Parlament / Döglégy for prezident! :) |
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043.jpg |
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315 x 420 px. |
0.013 MB. |
Relaxing after a bath in the Gellert Fürdö / Vetkõzõs csaj a háttérben :) |
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044.jpg |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.040 MB. |
nice building.. there is a bath inside and one outside / Én itt még sosem voltam, pedig BPen lakom :( |
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0.038 MB. |
Outside view of the Gellert Building, there is also a Hotel inside / Már megint 1 trabant. :) |
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315 x 420 px. |
0.027 MB. |
another bridge over the danube / Szabadság! Szeretem! Anyád! :) |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.031 MB. |
Köz-gáz. De sokxor néztem ki itt csúnyán 8O.. |
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048.jpg |
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560 x 420 px. |
0.036 MB. |
view to the north / Csak 1 ugrás a Duna :) |
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